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  • ZHdK – A Future for the Arts | Hans-Peter Schwarz (ed.)

    CHF 118.00

    ZHdK – A Future for the Arts | Hans-Peter Schwarz (ed.)

    CHF 118.00

    What do actors Bruno Ganz and Johanna Bantzer have in common with photographers Olaf Breuning and Ernst Scheidegger, or film directors Fredi M. Murer and Andrea Staka with dancer Kusha Alexi? Along with designers Adrian Frutiger and Max Bill, musicians Anne-Sophie Mutter and Yuka Tsuboi, artists Augusto Giacometti and Sophie Taeuber-Arp, and actors Gustav Knuth and Laura de Weck, they all studied at Zürich’s legendary art schools.
    In August 2007, these institutions, which were previously separated by discipline, merged to form one of Europe’s most multifaceted and significant art education centers, the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). Published to mark its founding, ZHdK—A Future for the Arts recounts the history of the previous schools, examines the importance of their well-known alumni, and sets forth ambitious goals for the future of the institution. With over seven hundred color illustrations and accompanied by a companion CD and DVD, this volume traces the history of Swiss art education and features perspectives that span the entire curriculum. ZHdK—A Future for the Arts is not just a portrait of a single university, but a rendering of Swiss cultural history of the past fifty years.

    352 pages, CD, DVD, Scheidegger & Spiess, 2007
    ISBN 978-3-85881-709-9


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