Fine Arts

Publikationen des Departements Fine Arts

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  • Eine Geschichte der Gewalt | Kai Ziegner [E-Book PDF]

    Eine Geschichte der Gewalt | Kai Ziegner [E-Book PDF]

    Photographieren und Schreiben als Erfahrung, Experiment und Erkenntnis

    Im Fokus dieser erzählerisch-analytischen Text-Photo-Montage stehen die sogenannte Wendezeit in Ostdeutschland und die mit diesem radikalen Wandel einhergehenden individuellen wie kollektiven Gewaltausbrüche. Entlang persönlicher Erfahrungen und geschult an literarischen und theoretischen Werken wie Alexander Kluges Lebensläufe, Klaus Theweleits Männer­phantasien oder W.G. Sebalds Roman Austerlitz hinterfragt Kai Ziegner Erinnerung und Zeugenschaft auf ebenso kritische wie experimentelle Weise.

    110 Seiten, diaphanes, 2023
    ISBN 978-3-0358-0644-1

    Open Access

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  • A History of Violence | Kai Ziegner [E-Book PDF]

    A History of Violence | Kai Ziegner [E-Book PDF]

    Photography and Writing as an Experience, Experiment and Insight

    The focus of this narrative-analytical text-photo-montage is the so-called Wendezeit in East Germany, the years after the reunification and the individual and collective outbreaks of violence that accompanied thisradical change. Based on personal experiences and trained on literary and theoretical works such as Alexander Kluge’s Lebensläufe, Klaus Theweleit’s Männerphantasien or W.G. Sebald’s novel Austerlitz, Kai Ziegner reflects on remembrance and testimony in a way that is as critical as it is experimental.

    110 pages, diaphanes, 2023
    ISBN 978-3-0358-0646-5

    Open Access

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  • Dear Ambiguity | Master Fine Arts, Martin Mur (ed.)[E-Book PDF]

    Dear Ambiguity | Master Fine Arts, Martin Mur (ed.)[E-Book PDF]

    (Un)learning from the virus. Graduating in the COVID-19 pandemic

    Die Publikation «Dear Ambiguity,» ist ein Sammelband von Arbeiten der ZHdK-Master-Fine-Arts-Künstler*Innen, die während der Covid-19 Pandemie, im Jahr 2020 ihren Abschluss gemacht haben. Die Publikation reflektiert die entstandenen Herausforderungen, die durch die neue Lerndynamik auferlegt wurde und fungiert als physisches Zeugnis der künstlerischen und kreativen Prozesse im Übergang zu einer mehr virtuellen Form des Austauschs.

    157 Seiten (PDF), Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, 2020
    ISBN 978-3-906437-42-2

    Open Access

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  • It’s never closed | Bachelor Fine Arts, Nora Turato, Nico Sebastian Meyer (eds.)

    It’s never closed | Bachelor Fine Arts, Nora Turato, Nico Sebastian Meyer (eds.)

    The class of Nora Turato and Nico Sebastian Meyer in the Bachelor of Fine Arts programme has released the results of their Praxis Module in the fall semester 2020 in the publication “It’s Never Closed“ as an alternative to the cancelled semester exhibition. With contributions by Angelina Yerly, Elena Wirth, André Veigas, Livia Thommen, Nathalie Smrkovsky, Nike Shento, Chahida Rezgueni, Fabio Prosdocimi, Pavle Mijuca, Jenny Leung, Ivana Jurisic, Martin Jung, Giorgio Graf, Lukas Caprez, Jael Bieri and Yara Qwendolin Bhend.

    102 pages, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, 2021

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  • Art & Energy | Donatella Bernardi (ed.)

    Art & Energy | Donatella Bernardi (ed.)

    MA Fine Arts ZHdK Graduates 2019

    We often think art’s all about money. Rather, it’s about energy. Immersing yourself in Lake Zurich, a hedge-fund office, a botanical garden, or a land-art piece built on ruins, is it possible to discern an energy particular to art? Art as a form of energy capable of encompassing the whole of life, more powerful than finance and its algorithms? Art as science or speculative fiction? We dwell in castles with Schrödinger’s cat until we give form to the formless: molecules and failed soldiers, art spaces previously owned by the mafia. We share tips about the tricks of the trade—only to intervene, emancipate, culminate, collapse, and (re)emerge. Let us look everywhere for ideas, and let us be gloriously out of touch: may we grow our capacity and courage to love. Catastrophism, miniskirt, particle.

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    320 pages, Sternberg Press, 2020
    ISBN 978-3-95679-576-3


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  • Art, Self & System | Donatella Bernardi (ed.)

    Art, Self & System | Donatella Bernardi (ed.)

    MA Fine Arts ZHdK Graduates 2018

    The artist as entrepreneur has become a common topic of discussion. Here, however, we put forward the notions of “self” and “system.” First, every artistic practice is self-reflexive and self-contextualizing. Second, each system an artist builds allows for innovation. Let’s construct a space where we inevitably find ourselves together with others, even if we feel lonely, like a witch lost in a library of artists’ books. Let’s invent our right to do so. Let’s enter the world of smell and write about a megalomaniac art school while documenting a generation of art students and their studios with analogue photography. How does anyone even manage—from making objects to performing one’s own existence? Device, organon, animal.

    328 pages, Sternberg Press, 2019
    ISBN 978-3-956794-88-9


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