Design Struggles critically assesses the ways in which the design field is involved in creating, perpetuating, promoting and reinforcing injustice and inequality in social, political, economic, cultural and ecological systems. This book shows how this entanglement arose from Eurocentric and neoliberal thinking. The voices and practices represented here propose to question and disrupt the discipline of design from within, by problematizing the very notions of design. They aim to do so by generating new, anti-racist, post-capitalist, queer-feminist, environmentally conscious and community-based ideas on how to transform design. In this way, Design Strugglesstrives to forge sustainable, new practices within the design field that challenge the status quo and amplify underrepresented voices, both in the world of design, as well as beyond.
Die Publikation bietet eine kritische Bewertung der Komplizenschaft des Designs bei der Schaffung, Aufrechterhaltung und Verstärkung sozialer, politischer und ökologischer Probleme, sowohl heute als auch in der Vergangenheit. Um diese disziplinarische Selbstkritik zu befördern, wird Design durch die Schnittstellen von Geschlecht, Kultur, Ethnizität und Klasse beleuchtet. In mehr als 20 Beiträgen entsteht eine dringende und weitreichende Reihe von Stimmen und Ansichten, derjenigen, die nach neuen Ansätzen für die Designgeschichte und Designausbildung suchen.
Aus dem Departement Design sind Paola de Martin, Dozentin BA Design und Tania Messell wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin der Fachrichtung Visual Communication, mit je einem Beitrag vertreten. Der Tagungsband entstand anlässlich der Konferenz «Beyond Change» (2018) des Swiss Design Networks. Die F&E Beauftragte Prof. Dr. Sarah Owens, war als Conference Co-Chair und Teil der Scientific Committee an der Konferenz und Publikation beteiligt.
Weitere Beiträge von: Danah Abdulla, Tanveer Ahmed, Zoy Anastassakis, Ahmed Ansari, Brave New Alps, Johannes Bruder, Cheryl Buckley, Sria Chatterjee, Alison J. Clarke, Sasha Costanza-Chock, Bianca Elzenbaumer, Arturo Escobar, Kjetil Fallan, Griselda Flesler, Corin Gisel, Matthew Kiem, Claudia Mareis, Ramia Mazé, Anja Neidhardt, Nan O’Sullivan, Maya Ober, Nina Paim, Luiza Prado de O. Martins, Mia Charlene White
Design Struggles critically assesses the ways in which the design field is involved in creating, perpetuating, promoting and reinforcing injustice and inequality in social, political, economic, cultural and ecological systems. This book shows how this entanglement arose from Eurocentric and neoliberal thinking. The voices and practices represented here propose to question and disrupt the discipline of design from within, by problematizing the very notions of design. They aim to do so by generating new, anti-racist, post-capitalist, queer-feminist, environmentally conscious and community-based ideas on how to transform design. In this way, Design Strugglesstrives to forge sustainable, new practices within the design field that challenge the status quo and amplify underrepresented voices, both in the world of design, as well as beyond.
Design Ethnography – Epistemology and Methodology | Francis Müller [E-Book PDF]
This book describes methods for research on and research through design. It posits that ethnography is an appropriate method for design research because it constantly orients itself, like design projects, towards social realities.
Architectonics of Game Spaces | Andri Gerber, Ulrich Götz (eds.)
CHF 48.70
What consequences does the design of the virtual yield for architecture and to what extent can the nature of architecture be used productively to turn game-worlds into sustainable places – over here, in «reality»?
This pioneering collection gives an overview of contemporary developments in designing video games and of the relationships such practices have established with the design of architecture. Due to their often simulatory nature, games reveal constructions of reality while positively impacting spatial ability and allowing for alternative avenues to complex topics and processes of negotiation. Granting insight into the merging of the design of real and virtual environments, this volume offers an invaluable platform for further debate.
343 pages, transcript, 2019
ISBN 978-3-8376-4802-7
Swiss Graphic Design Histories | Sarah Owens et al. (eds.) [E-Book PDF]
Swiss Graphic Design Histories offers an entirely new redefinition of Switzerland’s graphic design landscape. Based on extensive research by scholars of design history and with a multiple and inclusive approach, it reaches beyond the usual canon and the well-known epicenters Basel and Zurich with the Germanophone fathers of what has become famous as the Swiss Style in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s.
Edited by Davide Fornari, Robert Lzicar, Sarah Owens, Michael Renner, Arne Scheuermann and Peter J. Schneemann.