Les Espaces Électroacoustiques III | Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology [CD]

CHF 12.99

Masterpieces of electroacoustic music – presented in 5.1. surround and stereo

Thomas Kessler Flute Control (1986)
Kaija Saariaho Nuits, adieux (1991)
Horacio Vaggione Shifting Mirrors (2016)
Hans Tutschku pressure-divided (2015)
Georg Friedrich Haas Ein Schattenspiel (2004)

José Manuel López López Sottovoce (1995)
Marco Stroppa … of Silence (2007)
Bernhard Lang Differenz / Wiederholung 6a (2002)
Peter Ablinger Instrumente und ElektroAkustisch Ortsbezogene Verdichtung («das Blaue vom Himmel») (1995-1997)

2 SACDs, col legno, 2023
WWE 2SACD 40005

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Artikelnummer: 2024/2 Kategorie: Schlagwörter: ,


Joan Jordi Oliver Arcos (saxophone)
Dimitrios Polisoidis (viola)
Martina Schucan (violoncello)
Ensemble SoloVoices
Matthias Ziegler (flute)
Germán Toro Perez (artistic director)
Florian Bogner (mastering)
Mario Bruderhofer (recording and mixing engineer)
Leandro Gianini (sound engineering and electroacoustic performance)
Dominykas Girčius (piano, recording and mixing engineer)
Carlos Hidalgo (sound projection)


ZHdK: Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology (ICST)

Forschungsprojekt: Performance Practice of Electoacoustic Music

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