This book offers an original interdisciplinary overview of the role of haptic feedback in musical interaction. Divided into two parts, part I examines the tactile aspects of music performance and perception, discussing how they affect user experience and performance in terms of usability, functionality and perceived quality of musical instruments. Part II presents engineering, computational, and design approaches and guidelines that have been applied to render and exploit haptic feedback in digital musical interfaces.
285 Seiten, Springer International Publishing, 2018
ISBN 978-3-319-58316-7
This open access book offers an original interdisciplinary overview of the role of haptic feedback in musical interaction. Divided into two parts, part I examines the tactile aspects of music performance and perception, discussing how they affect user experience and performance in terms of usability, functionality and perceived quality of musical instruments. Part II presents engineering, computational, and design approaches and guidelines that have been applied to render and exploit haptic feedback in digital musical interfaces.
285 Seiten (PDF), Springer International Publishing, 2018
ISBN 978-3-319-58316-7
Les Espaces Électroacoustiques III | Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology [CD]
CHF 12.99
Masterpieces of electroacoustic music – presented in 5.1. surround and stereo
Thomas Kessler Flute Control (1986) Kaija Saariaho Nuits, adieux (1991) Horacio Vaggione Shifting Mirrors (2016) Hans Tutschku pressure-divided (2015) Georg Friedrich Haas Ein Schattenspiel (2004)
José Manuel López López Sottovoce (1995) Marco Stroppa … of Silence (2007) Bernhard Lang Differenz / Wiederholung 6a (2002) Peter Ablinger Instrumente und ElektroAkustisch Ortsbezogene Verdichtung («das Blaue vom Himmel») (1995-1997)
Signals, Systems and Sound Synthesis | Martin Neukom [E-Book PDF]
The subject of this book is the synthesis and treatment of sound by computer. Using illustrations, animations, sound examples and sample programs, it introduces the most important techniques of sound and score synthesis and explains the technical and mathematical principles necessary for understanding them. After reviewing fundamentals of acoustics, the author describes system and signal theory and introduces the programs and programming languages used in the book. The traditionally important synthesis techniques are described in detail, as are various nonlinear synthesis techniques and synthesis by physical modeling. The concluding chapters of the book deal with the projection of sound in space and with the use of algorithmic and stochastic procedures in computer music. The appendix contains a survey of basic mathematical principles, various tables for reference and a detailed index. The included CD contains the entire text of the book, as well as additional chapters and explanations, sound examples, animations illustrating dynamic processes and many sample computer programs.
595 Seiten, 1 CD-ROM, Peter Lang, 2013
ISBN 978-3-0-3431428-2
Milieux Sonores – Klangliche Milieus | Marcus Maeder
Klang, Raum und Virtualität
Ob im Computerspiel, im Architekturentwurf oder auf dem GPS-Display im Auto: Unsere Lebenswelt wird vermehrt durch den virtuellen Raum ergänzt, erschlossen und entworfen. Medientechnologien haben die räumliche Gestaltung des Klangs und darüber hinaus die mediale Definition des Raums vorangetrieben. Dass damit auch die Gestaltung klanglicher Milieus – unserer Umgebung – durch Sound-Designer, Akustiker, Künstler und Musiker Einfluss auf unsere Wahrnehmung und unser Verständnis von Wirklichkeit hat, liegt auf der Hand. Perspektivenreich und informativ untersucht dieses Buch die perzeptiven, kulturellen, technischen und künstlerischen Bedingungen der akustischen Virtualität.
166 Seiten, transcript, 2010
ISBN 978-3-8376-1313-1