Breathtaking Greenhouse Parastructures | Luis Berríos-Negrón [E-Book PDF]

A supplement to the Arcades Project from a Caribbean Perspective [and a call for a careful practice of epistemológica].
Doctoral Thesis in Art Technology Design

792 pages, Konstfack Collection, 2020
ISBN: 978-91-7873-592-1

Open Access


Breathtaking Greenhouse Parastructures is a doctoral work that supplements the unfinished modern opus The Arcades Project [Das Passagen-Werk]. The supplement takes the form of a sculptural, historical, and technological deposition of ‹greenhouse› that presently oscillates between a past-background and future-foreground to Walter Benjamin’s ‹theatrical› handling of the Parisian arcades.

Berríos-Negrón’s Caribbean perspective projects an oscillating treatment of ‹greenhouse› as a prop from which to activate the following question: is colonial memory the drive of Global Warming? That core question has led to retrospectively hypothesise that the technology of ‹greenhouse› is—beyond metaphor—the illusory (dis)embodiment of the toxic binaries of interior & exterior that are still shaping Western technological frameworks, no less the natural sciences (and their histories). Because of that illusory, spectral, if paranormal power, ‹greenhouse› becomes at once the Western colonial enframing to both the messianic promise for conserving biological history, as well as the messianic remedy to suppress the traumata that are destining Global Warming. That potent (dis)embodied character leads Berríos-Negrón to set ‹greenhouse› as primary site to the geological timeline of the Anthropocene, as well as research specimen for a careful, life-affirming study and practice of object-relations and display he calls epistemológica.

Luis Berríos-Negrón is the first doctoral student to complete his PhD on the KTD programme, a collaborative transdisciplinary PhD programme established in 2015 between Konstfack and The Royal Institute of Technology, KTH.

This doctoral work has been made possible by the Konst Teknik Design / Art Technology Design doctoral programme between the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design of Sweden. The publication has also been funded by the Research Focus in Transdisciplinarity Programme of the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK).