Narrative Mechanics. Strategies and Meanings in Games and Real Life | Beat Suter, René Bauer, Mela Kocher (eds.)
CHF 51.50
What do stories in games have in common with political narratives?
This book identifies narrative strategies as mechanisms for meaning and manipulation in games and real life. It shows that the narrative mechanics so clearly identifiable in games are increasingly used (and abused) in politics and social life. They have »many faces«, displays and interfaces. They occur as texts, recipes, stories, dramas in three acts, movies, videos, tweets, journeys of heroes, but also as rewarding stories in games and as narratives in society – such as a career from rags to riches, the concept of modernity or market economy. Below their surface, however, narrative mechanics are a particular type of motivational design – of game mechanics.
Was haben Geschichten in Spielen mit politischen Erzählungen gemeinsam?
17 Autor:innen widmen sich dieser Frage und veranschaulichen, wie die in Spielen so klar identifizierbaren narrativen Mechanismen zunehmend in der Politik und im gesellschaftlichen Leben eingesetzt (und missbraucht) werden. Die Publikation versammelt Beiträge der jährlich stattfindenden Konferenz gameZ & ruleZ sowie von weiteren Autor:innen aus der Fachrichtung Game Design.
Narrative Mechanics. Strategies and Meanings in Games and Real Life | Beat Suter, René Bauer, Mela Kocher (eds.) [E-Book PDF]
What do stories in games have in common with political narratives?
This book identifies narrative strategies as mechanisms for meaning and manipulation in games and real life. It shows that the narrative mechanics so clearly identifiable in games are increasingly used (and abused) in politics and social life. They have »many faces«, displays and interfaces. They occur as texts, recipes, stories, dramas in three acts, movies, videos, tweets, journeys of heroes, but also as rewarding stories in games and as narratives in society – such as a career from rags to riches, the concept of modernity or market economy. Below their surface, however, narrative mechanics are a particular type of motivational design – of game mechanics.
Not at Your Service. Manifestos for Design | Björn Franke, Hansuli Matter (eds.) [E-Book PDF]
Not at Your Service: Manifestos for Design brings together the broad spectrum of beliefs, subjects and practices of designers at Zurich University of the Arts. It offers different approaches and insights on the present-day role and impact of design. It is not conceived as a finished project, but as a fluid document of its time. Collaborative design, interaction within complex systems, attention economics, the ecological shift, visual literacy, gender-neutral design, «quick and dirty» design ethnography, social responsibility, the value of ugliness, death futures, immersive technologies, identity and crises, design as a transformative discipline – all of these topics are presented for debate with passion, conviction and professional expertise.
526 pages (PDF), Birkhäuser, 2021
ISBN 978-3-0356-2275-1
Kein Stil | Peter Vetter, Katharina Leuenberger, Meike Eckstein
CHF 55.00
Ernst Keller (1891-1968). Lehrer und Pionier des Swiss Style
Verschiedentlich und insbesondere in den USA, wird in der Geschichtsschreibung des Graphic Design auf Ernst Keller als Vater des sogenannten Swiss Style, später International Typographic Style, hingewiesen. Diese Tatsache gründet auf der grossen Anzahl von Keller-Schülern, die später diesen Swiss Style geprägt und berühmt gemacht haben. Die Leistung von Keller wird einzig durch sein Oeuvre, vor allem seine Plakatgestaltung oder seine Beschäftigung im Zusammenhang mit Schrift- und Grafik in der Architektur, gewürdigt.
Fundamental jedoch ist Ernst Kellers Beitrag zur Entwicklung von innovativen, nicht akademischen didaktischen Prinzipien in der Gestaltungsausbildung. Seine Lehrtätigkeit ab 1918 kann als eines der weltweit ersten systematischen Ausbildungsprogramme für Graphic Design definiert werden.
253 Seiten, Triest Verlag, 2017
ISBN 978-3-0-3863022-7
Design Ethnography – Epistemology and Methodology | Francis Müller [E-Book PDF]
This book describes methods for research on and research through design. It posits that ethnography is an appropriate method for design research because it constantly orients itself, like design projects, towards social realities.