Not at Your Service. Manifestos for Design | Björn Franke, Hansuli Matter (eds.)

CHF 52.90

Not at Your Service: Manifestos for Design brings together the broad spectrum of beliefs, subjects and practices of designers at Zurich University of the Arts. It offers different approaches and insights on the present-day role and impact of design. It is not conceived as a finished project, but as a fluid document of its time. Collaborative design, interaction within complex systems, attention economics, the ecological shift, visual literacy, gender-neutral design, «quick and dirty» design ethnography, social responsibility, the value of ugliness, death futures, immersive technologies, identity and crises, design as a transformative discipline – all of these topics are presented for debate with passion, conviction and professional expertise.

526 pages, Birkhäuser, 2021
ISBN 978-3-0356-2272-0

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Artikelnummer: 2021/2 Kategorien: , , Schlagwörter: , ,


The project Not at Your Service: Manifestos for Design brings together a wide range of voices in order to illustrate the ways in which design mutates, infects unfamiliar territories and sometimes turns into an empty word devoid of meaning, but also to show how it can open up innovative, socially relevant and cross-disciplinary fields for sustainability, technological innovation and aesthetic practices, and have a positive effect on society.

A look into the book

Not at Your Service: Manifestos for Design bündelt die unterschiedlichsten Facetten an Überzeugungen, Themen und Praxen von Designerinnen und Designern an der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste. Die Publikation bietet vielfältige Antworten auf die Frage, was Design heute sein und bewirken kann. Kollaboratives Design, Interaktion in komplexen Systemen, die Ökonomie der Aufmerksamkeit, Ökologischer Wandel, Visual Literacy, geschlechterneutrales Design, die schmutzige Praxis der Designethnografie, soziale Verantwortung, der Wert von Hässlichkeit, Death Futures, immersive Technologien, Identität und Krise, Design als Transformationsdisziplin – all dies sind Themen, die in diesem Lesebuch mit Leidenschaft, persönlicher Überzeugung und professioneller Expertise zur Debatte gestellt werden.

  • Kompakte Sammlung von diskursiven Texten zum Thema Design
  • Aktuelle Debatte über Design im Sinne eines relevanten Beitrags für die Gesellschaft
  • Beitrag aus dem akademischen Kontext von einer der führenden Hochschulen für Design

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  • Not at Your Service. Manifestos for Design | Björn Franke, Hansuli Matter (eds.) [E-Book PDF]

    Not at Your Service. Manifestos for Design | Björn Franke, Hansuli Matter (eds.) [E-Book PDF]

    Not at Your Service: Manifestos for Design brings together the broad spectrum of beliefs, subjects and practices of designers at Zurich University of the Arts. It offers different approaches and insights on the present-day role and impact of design. It is not conceived as a finished project, but as a fluid document of its time. Collaborative design, interaction within complex systems, attention economics, the ecological shift, visual literacy, gender-neutral design, «quick and dirty» design ethnography, social responsibility, the value of ugliness, death futures, immersive technologies, identity and crises, design as a transformative discipline – all of these topics are presented for debate with passion, conviction and professional expertise.

    526 pages (PDF), Birkhäuser, 2021
    ISBN 978-3-0356-2275-1

    Open Access

    Open Access
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