Ordo ab chao – ‹Ordnung aus Chaos›: diese dem Freimaurertum entstammende geheime Losung wandelt sich in den Regimen der Second Order Cybernetics zur Formel ‹Order from Noise‹. Der Text verfolgt die theoretischen Inventare der Kybernetik von Kanälen, Informationen und zyklischen Kausalitäten bis zu rekursiven Systemen, um aus ihnen Leben, Bewusstsein, Lernprozesse oder die Konstitution des Sozialen gleichermassen erklärbar zu machen. Auch wenn der Anspruch der Kybernetik als universales Paradigma heute verblasst ist, erscheint an ihr immer noch massgeblich, dass sie die Entstehung von Ordnung aus den immergleichen mathematischen Modellen darzustellen sucht und eine Art ‹Ontologie des Mathematischen› verficht. Was aber heisst es, wenn derart die Mathematik allein die Systeme der Gouvernementalität zu übernehmen scheint und nicht nur die Technik und ihre Apparate, sondern auch die Freiheit, das Utopische sowie die Politizität des Politischen überhaupt zu kontrollieren und zu steuern beginnt?
The Changing Face of Alterity | David J. Gunkel, Ciro Marcondes Filho, Dieter Mersch (eds.) [Paperback]
CHF 91.20
The figure of the ‹other› is fundamental to the concept of communication. Online or offline, communication, which is commonly defined as the act of sending or imparting information to others, is only possible in the face of others. In fact, the reason we communicate is to interact with others—to talk to another, to share our thoughts and insights with them, or to respond to their needs and requests. No matter how it is structured or conceptualized, communication is involved with addressing the other and dealing with the ontological, epistemological, and ethical questions of otherness or alterity. But who or what can be other? Who or what can be the subject of communication? Is the other always and only another human? Or can the other in these communicative interactions be otherwise? This book is about others (and other kinds of others). It concerns the current position and status of the other in the face of technological innovations that can, in one way or another distort, mask, or even deface the other. Ten innovative essays, written by an international team of experts, individually and in collaboration with each other, seek to diagnose the current situation with otherness, devise innovative solutions to the questions of alterity, and provide insight for students, teachers and researchers trying to make sense of the opportunities and challenges of the 21st century.
238 pages, Rowman & Littlefield, 2016
ISBN 978-1-78348-870-4
Institutionskritik als Methode. Hegemonie und Kritik im künstlerischen Feld | Sønke Gau
CHF 52.90
Sønke Gau untersucht in seiner umfassenden Genealogie der Institutionskritik das Potenzial dieser künstlerischen Verfahren und fragt nach deren Aktualisierung unter den heutigen Bedingungen. Institutionskritik als Methode beschränkt sich nicht mehr nur auf das künstlerische Feld, sondern greift auf andere gesellschaftliche Felder über, um so ein erweitertes Spektrum an Handlungsoptionen zu gewinnen.
539 Seiten, Turia + Kant Verlag, 2017
ISBN 978-3-85132-823-3
The Changing Face of Alterity | David J. Gunkel, Ciro Marcondes Filho, Dieter Mersch (eds.) [Gebundene Ausgabe]
CHF 226.80
The figure of the ‹other› is fundamental to the concept of communication. Online or offline, communication, which is commonly defined as the act of sending or imparting information to others, is only possible in the face of others. In fact, the reason we communicate is to interact with others—to talk to another, to share our thoughts and insights with them, or to respond to their needs and requests. No matter how it is structured or conceptualized, communication is involved with addressing the other and dealing with the ontological, epistemological, and ethical questions of otherness or alterity. But who or what can be other? Who or what can be the subject of communication? Is the other always and only another human? Or can the other in these communicative interactions be otherwise? This book is about others (and other kinds of others). It concerns the current position and status of the other in the face of technological innovations that can, in one way or another distort, mask, or even deface the other. Ten innovative essays, written by an international team of experts, individually and in collaboration with each other, seek to diagnose the current situation with otherness, devise innovative solutions to the questions of alterity, and provide insight for students, teachers and researchers trying to make sense of the opportunities and challenges of the 21st century.
238 pages, Rowman & Littlefield, 2016
ISBN 978-1-78348-869-8