Swiss Graphic Design Histories | Sarah Owens et al. (eds.)
CHF 99.00
Swiss Graphic Design Histories offers an entirely new redefinition of Switzerland’s graphic design landscape. Based on extensive research by scholars of design history and with a multiple and inclusive approach, it reaches beyond the usual canon and the well-known epicenters Basel and Zurich with the Germanophone fathers of what has become famous as the Swiss Style in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s.
Edited by Davide Fornari, Robert Lzicar, Sarah Owens, Michael Renner, Arne Scheuermann and Peter J. Schneemann.
In three volumes it features visual artefacts and archival documents, the majority published here for the first time, alongside likewise previously unpublished conversations with designers who have forged developments of the past decades, as well as new essays discussing key terms that refer to various design practices. The complexity of the undertaking is embraced through a system of keywords, thus enabling readers to connect contents within the individual volumes. A fourth volume comprising a glossary, bibliography, and an index of the keywords rounds out this long-awaited new survey of graphic design in multi-lingual Switzerland that sheds new light at networks, practices and media largely ignored so far.
With contributions by Chiara Barbieri, Rudolf Barmettler, Jonas Berthod, Sandra Bischler, Constance Delamadeleine, Davide Fornari, Roland Früh, Ueli Kaufmann, Sarah Klein, Robert Lzicar, Jonas Niedermann, Sarah Owens, Michael Renner, Peter J. Schneemann, Arne Scheuermann, and Sara Zeller
Swiss Graphic Design Histories | Sarah Owens et al. (eds.) [E-Book PDF]
Swiss Graphic Design Histories offers an entirely new redefinition of Switzerland’s graphic design landscape. Based on extensive research by scholars of design history and with a multiple and inclusive approach, it reaches beyond the usual canon and the well-known epicenters Basel and Zurich with the Germanophone fathers of what has become famous as the Swiss Style in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s.
Edited by Davide Fornari, Robert Lzicar, Sarah Owens, Michael Renner, Arne Scheuermann and Peter J. Schneemann.
Design Struggles critically assesses the ways in which the design field is involved in creating, perpetuating, promoting and reinforcing injustice and inequality in social, political, economic, cultural and ecological systems. This book shows how this entanglement arose from Eurocentric and neoliberal thinking. The voices and practices represented here propose to question and disrupt the discipline of design from within, by problematizing the very notions of design. They aim to do so by generating new, anti-racist, post-capitalist, queer-feminist, environmentally conscious and community-based ideas on how to transform design. In this way, Design Strugglesstrives to forge sustainable, new practices within the design field that challenge the status quo and amplify underrepresented voices, both in the world of design, as well as beyond.
Design Ethnography – Epistemology and Methodology | Francis Müller [E-Book PDF]
This book describes methods for research on and research through design. It posits that ethnography is an appropriate method for design research because it constantly orients itself, like design projects, towards social realities.
Selbsttransformation und charismatisch evangelikale Identität | Francis Müller [E-Book PDF]
Eine vergleichende ethnosemantische Lebenswelt-Analyse
Francis Müller untersucht mit einem ethnosemantischen Ansatz eine schweizerische und eine ghanaische charismatisch evangelikale Gemeinschaft im Großraum Zürich. Als zentrales Element kristallisiert sich in den zwei Gemeinschaften die Konversion und die damit verbundene Selbsttransformation heraus, welche in den zwei Gemeinschaften mit unterschiedlichen kulturellen Themen in Verbindung gebracht wird. Die erstrebte radikale Selbsttransformation ist riskant, weil sie den Bruch mit Gewohnheiten und dem bisherigen Leben impliziert. Es werden in den zwei Gemeinschaften unterschiedliche Techniken und normative Identitäten vermittelt, die zeigen, wie mit dieser Diskontinuität umzugehen und wie überhaupt in einer modernen, säkularen Welt zu leben ist. Der Autor leistet so einen Beitrag zur soziologischen Konversionsforschung.
244 Seiten (PDF), Springer, 2015
ISBN 978-3-658-09251-1