Journal of Global Pop Cultures | Jörg Scheller (co-ed.)

The Journal for Global Pop Cultures is an online open access journal and dissemination platform edited by the Shared Campus Publications, a joint project by seven international art universities. The aim of the journal is to address the complexity, hybridity, and transculturality of global pop cultures.

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No longer confined to entertainment and youth cultures, global pop cultures oscillate between art and entertainment, criticism and affirmation, markets and non-commercial sectors, underground (sub)cultures and university courses. With that said, pop cultures can be counted among the most salient driving forces in the globalization, hybridization and innovation of cultures at large. Pop is a sphere where not only politics, identities, economies, and social questions are negotiated, but also where Pop itself is perpetually reflected and redefined. The theorizing and critical artistic reflection of Pop is an integral part of global pop cultures themselves. In the course thereof, the evolution of Pop has brought along Pop Art, Art Pop, and Avant-Pop, among others. The journal explores these complexities in three sections: a) a peer-reviewed section dedicated to the publication of research papers/projects, both scholarly and artistic ones, in annual thematic issues (“Journal”), b) a thematically linked more playful magazine section intended for a broader public (“Magazine”), c) the section “Insights” which showcases pop-related artworks from the Shared Campus partner institutions. The international members of the editorial board welcome research both from theory and practice ((i.e. artistic research, research-based art, practice-based research), from art as well as design.

ZHdK: Shared Campus