After the Law: Towards Judicial-Visual Activism | Avi Feldman
Law and art are oftentimes perceived as standing in opposition, and even seen in conflicting terms. The first is dismissed as provincial, rigid, and bureaucratic, while the latter is repeatedly characterized as global, flexible, and dynamic. Yet, closer observation and analysis reveal hidden links and layers, and substantial preoccupation by both legal and art practitioners in the visual and in the judicial. It is through the unraveling of spaces, gaps, and lacunae in which both fields of practice and knowledge intersect that this publication sets in motion an exploration of influences and interactions between law and art. Offering a new critical approach and methodology to deal with existing and imagined relations between law and art, this publication analyzes curatorial and artistic projects by revealing overlooked legal dimensions embedded within them. It introduces legal theory and scholarship in relation to visual artworks in order to expand and foster new paths for both judicial and visual activism. Based on the reassessment of artistic and curatorial capabilities and encounters in a time of globalization, it is concerned with broadening our perception of the role of art and legal practitioners with regard to justice.
242 pages,, 2019
ISBN 9781699881668
Following an introduction of Nancy Fraser’s three-dimensional concept of justice, and Saskia Sassen’s notion of capabilities in a world shaped by the dual existence of the nation-state and globalization, Chapter One focuses on the 7th Berlin Biennale as a curatorial case study for political and artistic activism, and on “Artist Organisations International” (AOI) as an example of artist-created institutions concerned with political activism.
Two artistic projects that premiered during the 7th Berlin Biennale are then critically examined in Chapters Two and Three. An in-depth exploration of Yael Bartana’s First Congress of The Jewish Renaissance Movement in Poland (JRMiP) as a space prompting global justice is the focus of Chapter Two. The building of a Parliament in Rojava by Jonas Staal’s New World Summit (NWS) as an artistic reinvention of the Right of Intervention is the concern of Chapter Three.
Judicial-visual activism is further developed in Chapter Four through an inquiry into the theory of the emergence of disputes, and the Right of the Encounter in relation to artistic actions taking place in state institutions. Chapter Five contains a reflection on my own recent curatorial projects dedicated to encounters that I facilitated between legal and art practitioners. The result of these encounters led to the exhibition Motions for the Agenda structured around five motions/projects developed in a collaboration between the participants dealing with legal texts and documents, just as with the place of law, its language, and its archive.
This publication is based on the thesis and exhibition completed as part of the PhD in Practice in Curating Program, a joint doctoral program of the Zurich University of the Arts and the University of Reading, supported by “swissuniversities.”
After the Law: Towards Judicial-Visual Activism | Avi Feldman [E-Book PDF]
Law and art are oftentimes perceived as standing in opposition, and even seen in conflicting terms. The first is dismissed as provincial, rigid, and bureaucratic, while the latter is repeatedly characterized as global, flexible, and dynamic. Yet, closer observation and analysis reveal hidden links and layers, and substantial preoccupation by both legal and art practitioners in the visual and in the judicial. It is through the unraveling of spaces, gaps, and lacunae in which both fields of practice and knowledge intersect that this publication sets in motion an exploration of influences and interactions between law and art. Offering a new critical approach and methodology to deal with existing and imagined relations between law and art, this publication analyzes curatorial and artistic projects by revealing overlooked legal dimensions embedded within them. It introduces legal theory and scholarship in relation to visual artworks in order to expand and foster new paths for both judicial and visual activism. Based on the reassessment of artistic and curatorial capabilities and encounters in a time of globalization, it is concerned with broadening our perception of the role of art and legal practitioners with regard to justice.
242 pages (PDF),, 2019
ISBN 9781699881668
Über Schuhe | Anna-Brigitte Schlittler, Katharina Tietze (Hg.)
Zur Geschichte und Theorie der Fußbekleidung
Schuhe sind weit mehr als eine funktionale und modische Umhüllung des Fußes. Ausgehend von einem Forschungsprojekt zu den Schuhen der Schweizer Firma Bally in den 1930er und 1940er Jahren versammelt der Band exemplarische Beiträge zum Schuh als Gegenstand der Modetheorie: Männer- und Frauenschuhe, hochmodische Accessoires und funktionale Fußbekleidungen, Vielfalt von Modellen und Mangel an Schuhen werden ebenso erörtert wie Materialinnovationen, Schuhdesign, Diskurse zur Fußgesundheit und nicht zuletzt die Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Schuhindustrie.
230 Seiten, transcript, 2016
ISBN 978-3-8376-3430-3
Topologie und Funktionsweise des Netzwerks der Mail Art | Kornelia Röder
Seine spezifische Bedeutung für Osteuropa von 1960 bis 1989
Band 5 der Schriftenreihe beschäftigt sich mit dem Netzwerk der Mail Art, bei dem es sich um das erste World Wide Web handelt, lange bevor es das Internet gab. Die Post wurde als weltweites Kommunikationssystem genutzt. Es entwickelte sich aus einem kunstgeschichtlichen Kontext heraus und brachte ein neuartiges Beziehungsgeflecht von Kunst, Kultur und Gesellschaft hervor. Mit dem Netzwerk der Mail Art entwickelten sich spezifische Ausdrucksformen wie Postkarte, Assemblings, Rubber Stamps, Künstlerç*innen-Briefmarke und Magazine, die zugleich den Vernetzungsprozess beförderten.
Schriftenreihe für Künstlerpublikationen, Band 5
300 Seiten, Salon Verlag, 2008
ISBN 978-3-89770-280-6
The Future Is Unwritten | Ines Kleesattel, Pablo Müller
CHF 30.00
Position und Politik kunstkritischer Praxis
The Future Is Unwritten versammelt aktuelle Ansätze einer engagierten Kunstkritik. Hierbei lenkt die Publikation den Blick auf unterschätzte oder übersehene Potentiale und erkennt in neuen Verfahren und Formationen eine vielversprechende Zukunft für die kunstkritische Praxis. Entgegen fatalistischer, verabsolutierender und hämischer Endzeitszenarien zeigt das Buch so mögliche Richtungen einer noch ungeschriebenen Zukunft.
Mit Beiträgen von Claire Bishop, Sabeth Buchmann, Helmut Draxler, Jörg Heiser, Christian Höller, Jens Kastner, Grant H. Kester, Ines Kleesattel, Lucie Kolb, Pablo Müller, Peter J. Schneemann, Peter Spillmann, Nora Sternfeld und Julia Voss.
312 Seiten, Diaphanes, 2018
ISBN 978-3-0-3734992-2